Classic Fighters Evaluation
The purpose of this study is to estimate the impact of Classic Fighters Omaka 2013 on the Marlborough economy.
Commercial Events Fund
The Commercial Events Fund is open to any event managers/organisers that run commercial events in New Zealand.
Community Events Fund
To help support the delivery of quality, innovative community events Council has established a new annual contestable fund.
Conference and Events Quarterly
The Marlborough Regional Events Strategy was established to maximise economic growth within Marlborough.
Evaluation - Wine and Food Festival
The Marlborough Wine and Food Festival (MWFF) is New Zealand’s original and longest running wine festival.
Event Toolkit
The toolkit is an evolving resource for event organisers big or small to create and run successful festivals and events.
Mānawatia te Kahui o Matariki Fund / Marlborough Matariki Event Fund
Mànawatia te Kahui o Matariki Fund celebrates and supports the regeneration of mātauranga associated with Te Kāhui o Matariki.
Marlborough Event Planning
The Follow-ME (Marlborough Events) website has been developed as a one-stop shop to list all events that are occurring in Marlborough.
Marlborough Events Centre
Information and booking enquiry form for the Marlborough Events Centre.
Regional Events Strategy
A draft Marlborough Regional Events Strategy has been developed for 2020 - 2022.
Sport and Recreation Community Activity Fund
A small pool of Council funding for small sport events and community activities is available each year.
Te Tauihu Regional Events Fund
This page contains information on Te Tauihu Regional Events Fund