Food Premises
Visit the food premises page for detail
Food business registration forms
Alcohol Licensing
Businesses who wish to sell alcohol must obtain an alcohol licence.
If you want to hold an event where you sell or supply alcohol you will need a special licence in order to provide alcohol.
Visit the alcohol licences page for detail
Other Licences
Other types of registered premises and services provided by the Marlborough District Council's Environmental Health Officers include the licensing of:
- Hairdressers
- Offensive trades
- Camping grounds
- Funeral directors
Information on establishing a new business/ facility and on the legislative requirements associated with registration and licensing is available during normal office hours from the Environmental Health Team.
These premises require annual registration and officers undertake regular inspections of the premises to ensure ongoing compliance with requirements.
A completed application form must be submitted and then an environmental health officer will contact you for a pre-registration inspection. You may not open until registration is completed. An application fee is required to be submitted with the application.