Picton Water Supply
Picton's water supply
Picton's main water supply is bore water drawn from an aquifer at Speeds Road.
In summer, this supply is supplemented by treated water from the Essons Valley.
Water use is measured in cubic metres. Over the last eight summers, average daily water use in Picton has been 4,450 m per day, with peak use of 5,770 m on one day. Last year the daily average was 3,800 m per day.
Restrictions have been required in past years when issues have arisen with the quality of the water in the Essons Valley dam; when at times it has become untreatable and when upgrade work has been underway.
Speeds Road
Speeds Road water treatment plant has been upgraded and was commissioned in April 2017 and now provides potable drinking water.
Essons Valley
The Essons Valley water supply comes from a stream-fed source so the water has a discernibly different taste. Some people notice the change in taste but can be assured that the water quality is maintained.
The Essons Valley supply was upgraded in 2011 and its water supply fully complies with National Drinking-water Standards.
History of Picton Water Supply
Picton's water supply was first developed in 1891 when a dam was installed in the Waitohi Stream catchment. Water was delivered into the town via 225 mm trunk main, installed in 1907 from the dam to Oxford Street. In the 1920s, Humphreys Dam was added to the system.
By the 1950s, a new source of water was needed to meet the demand of a local freezing works and the growing demands of Picton town. A new impounding dam and reservoir were constructed in the Essons Valley. A 225 mm cast iron watermain providing a direct supply from the new Barnes Dam to the freezing works was completed in 1952. The freezing works had paid the cost of the development and were given priority use of the water. However, a 1958 agreement between the freezing works and Picton Borough Council allowed a public supply from Barnes Dam whilst there was sufficient water for both. When water levels dropped below a pre-determined level, the borough supply was cut off and the public reverted to water from the Humphries and Williams Dams. In 1984, the freezing works closed and Barnes Dam became available exclusively for the municipal supply.
In 1975, the Borough developed a new bore water source at Speeds Road, Koromiko, 8 km south of Picton. Three bores abstract water from a shallow aquifer. It was decided the most cost-effective water supply for Picton would be utilising Barnes Dam with Speeds Road supply as a backup.
Today, the early dams are no longer used and the Speeds Road bores and the Essons Valley water treatment plant (Barnes Dam) supply Picton's water. Both supplies are required to meet demand during the summer peak. However, the impounded water in Essons Valley can suffer from quality problems during the summer if the stored water stratifies and algal growths are allowed to bloom. In these circumstances, the Speeds Road bores becomes the sole source for the peak demand period. The Speeds Road supply has proved a very reliable source of water. The only exception was the prolonged dry spell of 2000/01 when water abstraction was reduced. Speeds Road wells are now more drought resilient. The wells have been re-drilled and deep sumps provided to house the submersible bore pumps deep below the water level.
The water from the Speeds Road bores is disinfected with chlorine and the pH is raised by lime dosing before being pumped to the main Elevation Reservoir on the southern edge of Picton. Dual raw water mains feed water from the Barnes Dam by gravity to the Essons Valley treatment works. During 2011, the Essons Valley WTP was upgraded to improve the coagulation and flocculation of the raw water to enhance the filtration, the addition of ultraviolet disinfection and improved monitoring of chlorine levels. The output of the plant now meets the requirements of the DWSNZ. Further upgrade work is underway at the Speeds Road Water Treatment Plant to provide protozoal compliance with Drinking-water Standards NZ.
Fees and forms
See information on charges:
Connection and disconnection fees
Apply for connection or disconnection application forms:
Connection or disconnection application forms