
The Kaikōura earthquake uplifted Marlborough’s East Coast in November 2016, raising it by up to 2.5 metres in some areas between the Awatere and Waima (Ure) rivers. In places where access was previously restricted by tides, it became possible to walk or drive on the beach at any time. More than half of this stretch of coastline (28.5km of the total 48.5km) is recognised as ecologically significant. The area is also known for its significance to multiple iwi, including statutory claims and other longstanding cultural connections.
In December 2019, Council agreed to consider a new vehicle bylaw and spent significant time engaging with iwi, community groups, scientists and others with an interest in the coast. This engagement included a full public consultation process with an appointed hearings panel of a councillor and two independent commissioners. In 2023, Council adopted the panel’s recommendation to create a bylaw with restricted vehicle access on parts of the coastline. The adopted bylaw promotes the safety and enjoyment for all users, as well as continued use of the coastal area in a way that restores and conserves its ecological significance for future generations.
November 2016
The Kaikōura earthquakes dramatically changes Marlborough's eastern coastline. Increased access to areas previously restricted by tides leads to increased use around Cape Campbell.
Members of the community approach Council with concerns about public safety and ecological damage. Following the quake, the science community also ramps up research activity along the coastline and quake-damaged areas.
July 2018
Council and Department of Conservation hold a Technical Advice Workshop, bringing experts together to advise on biodiversity, ecological values, legal issues, and the historical and recreational context.
June 2019
A corrected technical report (Version 2) was updated from the initial version previously released in March 2019.
November 2019
A revised technical report and report on alternatives are released by Council, and the Planning, Finance and Community Committee discusses a bylaw to protect the area.
December 2019
Full Council agrees to explore a vehicle bylaw with the objective of protecting East Coast ecosystems and enhancing public safety.
Council talks with iwi, community groups and others with an interest in the coast.
December 2020
Full Council unanimously agrees to proceed with a proposal to ban most vehicle use and delegates the finalising of the draft bylaw to a subcommittee to continue work over the summer break.
June 2021
Councillors vote unanimously to move forward with the Bylaw process and open public submissions soon.
Consultation is delayed due to procedural matters, and Council plans to hold an extraordinary meeting on 8 July.
Go to media statement: Consultation delayed for Draft East Coast Beach Vehicle Bylaw
July 2021
An extraordinary full Council meeting was held, including revised documents and a Technical Report (Version 5). Councillors vote unanimously to move forward and open consultation 15 July 2021.
The public was encouraged to participate in the bylaw process and make a submission from 15 July 2021 to 8 September 2021.
September 2021
Submissions opened 15 July 2021 and closed 8 September 2021.
Submissions are available for viewing:
Go to the submissions page for the Proposed East Coast Vehicle Bylaw
November 2021
A hearings panel was appointed with two independent commissioners and one Councillor. The panel considered public submissions to make a recommendation to Council on the proposed bylaw.
Go to the media statement 'Panel appointed to consider East Coast bylaw submissions'
May 2022
The hearings panel called a second hearing to consider further requested information from the November 2021 hearings.
July 2022
Council received recommendations from the hearings panel and commenced additional iwi engagement.
December 2022
The newly elected Marlborough District Council will decide on whether to proceed with an East Coast Beach Vehicle Bylaw after the New Year. All current rules remain in place for this summer season 2022/2023.
Go to the media statement 'Proposed East Coast Beach Vehicle Bylaw to be decided in 2023'
March 2023
Council voted to adopt a bylaw based on the hearings panel recommendations. The bylaw would go into effect 1 July 2023.
Go to media statement 'Council gives green light for East Coast Beach Vehicle Bylaw'
Go to the full hearings panel report
May 2023
Council notifies the bylaw on 4 May 2023.
June 2023
Council bylaw comes into effect 1 July 2023.
Go to the media statement 'East Coast Beach Vehicle Bylaw Comes into Effect'