All News, Notices and Media Releases
Marlborough Seniors’ Expo next month
Marlborough MattersMedia ReleasesSixty different stall holders will set up at the Marlborough Events Centre in just under a months’ time for the annual Marlborough Seniors’ Expo.
Planning for the protection of Marlborough’s past
Marlborough MattersMedia ReleasesIf you have an interest in protecting and preserving Marlborough’s heritage, Council welcomes your input to a new 10-year Marlborough Heritage Strategy at a series of upcoming community workshops.
Council welcomes High Court decision on East Coast Beach Vehicle Bylaw
Marlborough MattersMedia ReleasesMarlborough District Council has welcomed the High Court’s judgment regarding the judicial review brought against Council by Te Rūnanga a Rangitāne o Wairau Trust.
Kenepuru Road recovery drop-in session
Marlborough MattersMedia ReleasesThe Kenepuru community is invited to attend the Marlborough Roads Recovery drop-in session on Thursday 20 February at Portage Resort from 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm.
New Waihopai River bridge officially opened
Marlborough MattersMedia ReleasesA new bridge spanning the Waihopai River, replacing one swept away in the July 2021 storm, has been completed on time and below budget.
Council services on Waitangi Day
Marlborough MattersMedia ReleasesCouncil’s Blenheim office, Marlborough Library (Blenheim) and Picton Library and Service Centre are closed on Waitangi Day, Thursday 6 February.
New café concept blends creatives and community
Marlborough MattersMedia ReleasesAn idea has been brewing for a while to bring together Marlborough’s creative community.
Decision pending on Waitaria Bay jetty
Marlborough MattersMedia ReleasesMarlborough District Councillors will await the outcome of geotechnical investigations to decide whether the Waitaria Bay jetty in Kenepuru Sound can be safely rebuilt on the same site.
Runway reseal takes off at Marlborough Airport
Marlborough MattersMedia ReleasesConstruction is set to begin on Marlborough Airport’s largest maintenance project to date, which includes re-paving the runway and adjacent aviation surfaces.
Waitaria Bay jetty to be closed
Marlborough MattersMedia ReleasesA routine inspection has found some of the structural components in the Waitaria Bay jetty in the Marlborough Sounds have deteriorated significantly since its last inspection in mid-2023.
Nominations close soon for Marlborough’s next Living Cultural Treasure
Marlborough MattersMedia ReleasesNominations for the Marlborough Living Cultural Treasure Award close next Friday.
Marlborough flags to fly at half mast
Marlborough MattersMedia ReleasesThe New Zealand flag will fly at half mast on public buildings in Marlborough this Thursday 16 January, in memory of Senior Sergeant Lyn Fleming, who was killed on duty on New Year’s Day.
Marlborough takes out New Zealand’s sunniest region
Marlborough MattersMedia ReleasesNIWA announced today that Marlborough has taken the sunshine crown for 2024, with 2,769 hours of sunshine recorded in Blenheim, ahead of Nelson and Bay of Plenty.
Have your say on annual plan - closes 20 January
Media ReleasesMarlborough residents and ratepayers have two weeks to submit ideas for Council’s annual plan budget for the period 1 July 2025 to 30 June 2026.
Watermain upgrades in Francis Street and Lakings Road
Media ReleasesAs part of Council’s continued upgrading of services, two sections of watermain in Blenheim streets are to be replaced.
Renwick water main finished
Marlborough MattersMedia ReleasesWork on replacing Renwick’s aged asbestos cement water pipes with new PVC pipelines has been completed.
Waikawa Bay Foreshore Reserve Management Plan submissions open
Marlborough MattersMedia ReleasesIn accordance with Section 41(6) (a) of the Reserves Act 1977 submissions are now invited on any aspect of the draft Waikawa Bay Foreshore Reserve Management Plan.
Future path of Destination Marlborough confirmed
Marlborough MattersMedia ReleasesMarlborough District Council has confirmed Destination Marlborough (DM) will become a permanent part of Council by 1 July 2025.
Stock trucks travel Kenepuru Road for first time in three years
Marlborough MattersMedia ReleasesStock trucks have made their way beyond the ‘water tank slip’ on Kenepuru Road for the first time in more than three years, marking a significant milestone for the Marlborough region’s storm repairs.
Marlborough Mayor welcomes ferries announcement
Marlborough MattersMedia ReleasesMayor Nadine Taylor has welcomed the Government’s announcement on procuring two new ferries to replace the current Interislander fleet.